Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Few Things Growing in The Garden..

Hi everyone! My name's Belinda, and this year I decided to give square foot gardening a try. I made this blog so I could share my experiences in the garden with others out there. I live in south Texas, and it gets extremely hot down here. Also, we have A LOT of bugs and insects! I've started off small, with just two 4x4's. I have 2 others, both 4x4's as well. So far, it's been really easy and fun with no weeds and so much more space than a single row garden. I started all of my vegetables from seeds this year, and so far, everythings doing pretty good. Here I have a 'Golden Jubilee' tomato plant. I planted four of these in each corner of the box, so I'm looking forward to some yellow tomatoes this summer!

These are 'Royal Burgundy' bush beans. It's a purple bean that turns green when cooked!

Here's some swiss chard planted four per square foot.

This is a cherry tomato, growing quite well in this spot!

I think this is a bell came up from our compost so I'm not too sure. Looks like something's been eating it..

This is one of my tomatoes with blooms on it! I have no idea what kind of tomato plant this also came up from the compost! We'll just have to wait and see..

This is a 'Sugar Baby''s a minature variety that fits great inside a square foot box! I've read somewhere that it does better growing on the ground than it does on a trellis, so on the ground it is :)

Here is a 'Beefsteak' tomato...starting to develop blooms! I have eight tomato plants in all, four in each box. That's what I love about square foot much space!
This is a 'Russian Mammoth' sunflower that's supposed to grow up to 12 ft! I didn't want to plant it in my square foot garden, so I just planted it against the wall.

Here's our compost bin with a butternut squash growing out of it! We stopped using this bin, so I don't really mind. Hopefully we'll get some squash soon!
These I planted on the other side of our garden. The one on the left is a yellow 'straightneck' squash, and the other is a green 'elite hybrid'.

This is some basil I grew from a variety pack of seeds...I'm not certain as to what kind this is, although I think it's lemon basil. It has such a great smell! Anyway, I hope everyone is having as much fun with their garden as I am with mine. Thanks for viewing!